1. 降低車型不告知。
2. 車況差
3. 救援不及時
4. 救援人員騙人,拖延5小時
5. 救援電話很難打通
6. 造成損失沒有售后解決
On 21 Nov morning, my car break down.
The charging plug can not be pulled out.
The car can not be started.
I wait around 3 hours to get someone help.
The car only worked 2 hours and the same problems happened agin on around 16:49.
The emergency workers told 45 minutes to come, then delay another 30 minutes, then delay 30 minutes. The tracing web shows he?arrived, but he did not.
He lied to assistance he come and can not solve, but he did not.
After many pushings, each time he inform will come soon but delayed again. Till around 22:20 he arrive but can not solve.
I missed the meeting with customers and he is not happy at all. It cause big loss in business.
垃圾車行 一定要避雷 出發(fā)前也看了其他避雷帖說會推銷保險 我想著那我拒絕就好了 怎么知道去到現(xiàn)場 工作人員完全沒有問我要不要買 而是直接給了一張法文的合同就讓我簽名 誰看得懂法文啊 他也完全沒提及費用 自作主張就幫我購買額外保險 然后就騙我簽名 回來才知道他私自幫我添加了兩千塊的保險 純粹就是騙人 好生氣 垃圾法國 垃圾eurpcar